Thursday, February 14, 2008
Almost Two Years Old
First Church of the Internet is almost two years old! And it looks like I'm still the only member! There are over 80 million blogs out there and a few churches using the web quite powerfully. So, maybe this isn't a necessary thing. Still, I want to keep it up to see if there are people who want to join the conversation. Not that there aren't plenty of places to discuss faith, express skepticism and wrestle with God. For now, First Church of the Internet is still open and here for you and anyone else looking for...well, whatever you're looking for. I'm still happy to respond to questions, comments and rants.
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Greetings, Pastor!
I'm so thrilled to have found you at this moment in your endeavor...
My heart is also burning with the desire to have a virtual church on the internet. I've been working on my own portion of that project for the last two years as well!
I applaud your tenacity to continue to post, and continue to hold to your convictions.
Did you know that the gestation period for an elephant is 2 years?
Big babies take a long time to birth, and the baby you dream of is a BIG one!
I invite you to visit my website that is built for this very same's a work in progress; but I hope you enjoy the introduction.
It's very much in it's infancy, but I am thrilled to discover a like-minded soul!
God Bless You,
I look forward to hearing more about your vision,
Your sister in Christ,
Connie's Craft-a-Holics Club Blog
God's Grace Notes Blog
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I'm so thrilled to have found you at this moment in your endeavor...
My heart is also burning with the desire to have a virtual church on the internet. I've been working on my own portion of that project for the last two years as well!
I applaud your tenacity to continue to post, and continue to hold to your convictions.
Did you know that the gestation period for an elephant is 2 years?
Big babies take a long time to birth, and the baby you dream of is a BIG one!
I invite you to visit my website that is built for this very same's a work in progress; but I hope you enjoy the introduction.
It's very much in it's infancy, but I am thrilled to discover a like-minded soul!
God Bless You,
I look forward to hearing more about your vision,
Your sister in Christ,
Connie's Craft-a-Holics Club Blog
God's Grace Notes Blog
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