Friday, April 28, 2006

Go here and see this

Yesterday I was reading Seth Godin's blog and came across the most incredible story. There is something amazing happening this Saturday. Thousands of young people will be taking a stand against war. Not the war that makes the news every day but a war that has been raging for 20 years and is virtually unknown. Three twenty-something adults went to Uganda with a video camera. What they saw there changed their lives forever. They determined to come back and mobilize the youth of America. They've done it. And they've done it without using any of the traditional vehicles. This movement is driven by resources available to everyone online.

This is exactly the vision I have for First Church of the Internet. We CAN build a community that is agile, responsive and global for the sake of changing the world. We can have impact locally and globally all at the same time. We don't need buildings or professional staff or any of the trappings of the traditional church. Where do you want the Body of Christ to serve? What's happening in your world that we should all be doing something about?

Greetings, Tim. I believe that our trip to Kenya is achieving some of your vision of going & serving as you described in this post. See you in a few weeks.
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